Pokemon Master Card | For my brother

Hello my lovely Eclecticist's!!

Recently my brother had asked told me he caught all the Pokemon to date. 

As a form of congratulations, I made him this Pokemon Master card. "From Pokemon Trainer to Pokemon Master". I used his favorite Pokemon and evolution of it on this card. Starmie and Staryu! Since I don't have any Pokemon stamps, the images and font were downloaded from the internet. I did color them in myself with watercolor paints. 

Card front.

Card interior.

What did you guys think of my latest creation?

Don't be a shy guy! Did you love this card? Did you hate it? Would you like to receive a card like this from someone? Would you give a card like this? Let me know, leave a comment in the section below. I would love to hear from all of you. 

As always! Don't forget to like/follow me on social media.

The links are in the upper right of the page!

With Love, Keep Crafting.


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