Holidays, Card making, and M.I.A

Hello everyone! I know it's been a REALLY long time since I have posted anything. I didn't disappear.  I'm still here, although quietly. I'm such a procrastinator that by the time the holiday season rolls around, I am completely swamped and behind. October, for me, kicks off my holiday season.

I have continued to make cards all through then, I just haven't been able to properly manage my time and get some actual posts up on my blog. However, I have been posting to my Instagram, where you can all follow me at to continue to see the cards I'm making at the moment. Once the second week of December rolls around I won't be posting anymore cards. I like to try and spend the holidays with family as much as I can, and that's sort of hard to do while you're trying to pump out cards. Plus I'm still beginning my card making journey so I'm not quite sure how to juggle it all just yet! I can't wait to get back to posting at a more consistent rate. Until then I hope to see you all on my Instagram or Facebook. Don't forget to like and follow to stay notified when I get a new card done or blog post up!



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